Diesis Network supports the development of the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation worldwide through the implementation of knowledge-based activities, such as training, project design, consultancy and advisory services, technical assistance and research. Diesis is one of the widest EU networks specialised in supporting social economy and social enterprise development covering 25 countries through major national federations and national support networks associating more than 90,000 organisations and 1.2 million workers. Diesis is quoted by the European Parliament as a good practice example of fostering the institutional and social visibility of the social economy.
Diesis Network works in partnership with European thematic networks and platforms such as ETUC, REVES, Social Economy Europe and EMES. It is also a member of CECOP, ESSFI and Platform Cooperativism Consortium (PCC). Diesis also joined the recently created UNTFSSE, the United Nations Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy. Moreover, Diesis provides expertise to the ESF Social Economy Thematic Network, which assists Member States on the transnational aspects of the ESF.
Diesis Network takes part in the European Migration Forum, organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, a platform for dialogue between civil society and the European institutions on issues relating to migration, asylum and the integration of third-country nationals.