September brings always new and fresh starts as well as for #BC4ESE community this year.
The Young Ambassadors, youth organisation from Serbia, hosted 2 excellent and interactive training days on 12th and 13th of September in Serbia. This project activity better known as #TTLA was designed for 16 youth workers from 6 countries and 8 partner organisations.
This training consists 6 e-learning modules and workshops aimed at enhancing entrepreneurial skills, digital and youth work skills. The training is designed especially for youth workers and facilitated by a youth worker who works for Young Ambassadors.
,,We were excited to see youth workers who will be able to create awareness of eco-social entrepreneurship among youth and design new workshops. I know that #BC4ESE has engaged more than 600 individuals from profit, non-profit and civic sectors until now, but when the community engages youth and youth workers this is real societal impact.‘’ , concluded by the Young Ambassadors’ facilitator.
During 2 intensive training days, each sessions crafted from the collective experiences and best practices of our project partners.
Facilitator explained why hands-on activities, real-world examples and innovative resources are the most useful if we want to reach youth and raise their awareness on eco-social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial mindset and way of their contribution to society.
By the end of #TTLA, youth workers enhanced youth work skills, digital capabilities and deeper understanding of social economy topis and eco-social entrepreneurship. Moreover, the training was familiar with ENTRECOMP and DIGICOMP frameworks and they successfully adapted their way of creating workshops based on these frameworks for future participants.
In the end, the Young Ambassadors believe that training motivated and prepared youth workers to promote eco-social approach to entrepreneurship among youth and sustainable development and foster a culture of innovation.
In conclusion for completing the postcard from Niš, we should mention our city tour that united participants and citizens in exploring Niš spirit.
We sent you Images from Niš!
Ciao #BC4ESE fans an stay tuned and play our games